MY MUSE: in the eyes of drtyWRK

i love music. I pay to create it and remain a hungry artist nonetheless. i love the way i feel knowing i have an impact on the stuff in between a person’s ears, if i ca just get em to hear me. Are there any managers producers guitar players drummers rappers singers that feel the same? Please, lets make some some real life connections cuz if you talented and ur passion outweighs your pursuit of riches id be honored to wrk with you. 805 203 0538.

look up tonight. signs in the sky

“Another way to make sure you see the planet is to follow the arc in the big dipper’s handle, which points the way to the star Spica, and Mars, just below it.

There’s really no excuse not to see Mars in opposition for yourself — all you have to do is look up. However, if you prefer to do your sky watching online, the astronomy website will be streaming a view of the red plant from a telescope in the Canary Islands. The live broadcast starts at 7 p.m., and will include a discussion about the ongoing mission of the Mars Curiosity Rover.”-  from link below,0,7619579.story

link below for online telescope